If you have any suggestions or remarks about commands that we might forget to put on out list, please free to share them with us in the comment section below.Division of labor is essential to surviving as a team. When everyone collects food there will be no one left to defend the camp when monsters attack. This wraps our today’s guide on JoinGames about Dont Starve Together console commands and cheats, we hope it serves you well and helps you enjoy this fun game even more. After all, it’s meant to be a survival game.

However, it’s advised to take things slow and not burn all the fun but hard and exciting challenges that come with playing this game. GetPlayer().components.beaverness:SetPercent(.01)ĭon’t Starve Together is a fun but somewhat punishing survival game, these console commands and cheats are only meant to spice up your gameplay and help you a bit, you can use them to your liking,.TheWorld:PushEvent(“ms_sendlightningstrike”, ConsoleWorldPosition()).TheWorld:PushEvent(“ms_forceprecipitation”, false).TheWorld:PushEvent(“ms_forceprecipitation”).TheWorld:PushEvent(“ms_setseason”, “summer”).GetPlayer().components.health:SetMax(value).Summon Spider Queen: c_spawn(“spiderqueen”)ĭon’t Starve Together cheats are commands that are set to give you a slight advantage in the game, nothing too special but just enough to make the game more fun and interesting.Summon Malbatross: c_spawn(“malbatross”).Summon Ancient Guardian: c_spawn(“minotaur”).Summon Ancient Fuelweaver: c_spawn(“stalker_atrium”).The Lazy Explorer: c_give(“orangestaff”).Special Items for Combat and Exploration Commands Dark Petals x 10: c_give(“petals_evil”,10).Nightmare Fuel x 20 : c_give(“nightmarefuel”,20).

Living Log x 20: c_give(“livinglog”,20).Hound’s Tooth x 10: c_give(“houndstooth”,10).Crimson Feather x 10: c_give(“feather_robin”,10).Rotten Egg x 10: c_give(“rottenegg”,10).Azure Feather x 10: c_give(“feather_robin_winter”,10).Saffron Feather x 10: c_give(“feather_canary”,10).Crow Feather x 10: c_give(“feather_crow”,10).Butterfly Wings x 10: c_give(“butterflywings”,10).Bunny Puff x 5: c_give(“manrabbit_tail”,5).Monster Meat x 10: c_give(“monstermeat”,10).Dragon Fruit x 10: c_give(“dragonfruit”,10).Watermelon x 10: c_give(“watermelon”,10).Reveal Map – All Players: for k,v in pairs(AllPlayers) do for x=-1600,1600,35 do for y=-1600,1600,35 do v.player_classified.MapExplorer:RevealArea(x,0,y) end end end.Teleport another player to you: c_move(AllPlayers).Teleport to a player: c_goto (AllPlayers).

Resurrect a player: AllPlayers:PushEvent(‘respawnfromghost’).Don’t Starve Together Console Commandsĭon’t Starve Together console commands and cheats are a few tweaks and game modifications that come in handy if you skip a step or two and make your game grind process easier. However, Don’t Starve Together console commands and cheats could help you navigate the game better and make your survival experience a little bit less rough. Players go through the gateway in one of several modes such as Survival, Endless and Wilderness, each of them featuring options such as Permadeath and much more! With simple controls and a straightforward concept, you’ll be continually thrown into tough, unforeseeable situations, in which every decision will have a direct effect on determining whether you survive and die for another day.ĭon’t Starve Together follows the gameplay loop of loot, sleep, and repeat as the nightmarish world keeps players engaged throughout the game. Don’t Starve Together is a game that will test your ability to adapt to the current situation better than any survival game out there.