Consider to allow for some out-of-game chat at the beginning, during and at the end of your online sessions to make everyone feel comfortable and get involved like in a face-to-face game.Things like specialized macros to do rolls that are needed often, sdd things to your Macro Quickbar, Shortcuts, look into using API Scripts etc. When you're comfortable with core features, look into automation options for you and the players.If you Have Plus/ Pro, you can use DL on some maps, while other be just plain or use the simpler choices like FoW or reveal sections at a time with Darkness Tool.If you or players get stuck with doing something during a session, instead do just a physical dice roll, share an external image/link, or do "theater of the mind". Remember that you can fall back on using more simple methods.Have the players fill out their own roll20 character sheets and handouts, less work for you, and they get more familiar with things.You can start with just having the maps on Roll20, while relying on physical dice and paper character sheets. The original filesystem and devices are included as a readonly starting point for the new filesystem.

Create a (readonly) filesystem that acts as a template to seed other Btrfs filesystems.
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